Stephen McGhee


Stephen McGhee Leadership, Inc.

Stephen is the owner of Stephen McGhee Leadership, Inc. He has spoken Internationally, leads board retreats, panel discussions and has authored three books on Leadership, one being “Get Real” A Vital Breakthrough on Your Life and Leadership and an Executive Leadership Coach to highly influential leaders across the globe.

Stephen has worked with senior management in many organizations such as Microsoft on both strategic initiatives as well as culture change programs, which were designed to harness the discretionary energy for all levels of a workforce. His specific methodology when applied create sustainable results through systems and accountability.

His background in the financial services industry and being part of the succession plan for senior leadership, give him a deep understanding of business and what is required to make positive changes in people and systems. 

Additionally, Stephen was on the faculty at the University of Santa Monica, where he taught Soul Centered Coaching, as one of his favorite topics. He received a master’s degree in Consciousness, Health and Healing in 2017 as part of his own constructive learning agenda.    

Stephen creates and designs programs that create learning velocity. As an example, he led the Aconcagua Man Project, which later became a documentary film, entitled Climb to Freedom. This film chronicles the transformation of seven men on a yearlong journey to climb a high mountain and how to bring those learnings and experience back to business, life, and relationships. See the film here:

Stephen has been in the field of Leadership Development since 1994, after his own existential crises for personal fulfillment. While he believes in intellectual humility as a focus, he is known for his honesty, integrity and courage to serve other leaders. He does not believe in modern day gurus that espouse truth, rather he believes in deep and meaningful dialogue that opens others to possibility, mindset, actions and inspirations.  

You may reach Stephen at or check out his website at and you may call him at 303-887-8404.


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